Upcoming Workshops and Retreats
What's on?
Our retreats are available for those wishing to move deeply into their personal development work. Each retreat includes vegetarian meals, morning yoga practices and personal time to explore the land, sit by fire and just relax. Retreats are often held in conjunction with the Breathwork Training program.
Retreats numbers are limited. A deposit is required to hold your place and early bookings are recommended.
May: Open Breathwork Retreat: Family and Generational Healing
July 31 Breathwork Retreat - Deep Ecology (Bamarang Retreat Centre)
September 3 - 5 Open Breathwork Retreat: Awakening Shakti (Mittagong)
"The rebirthing retreat where we experienced warm water breath work and a recreation of our own birth into this world was transformational.. I experienced it as a sacred, sensory & spiritual awakening. Discovering where you come from and embodying the wisdom from your ancestors is an empowering journey.. For me it was was like a turning point in my life - it opened up areas of my life I had not addressed for years, it enabled me to recognise my gifts, see where I find joy in life and acknowledge the wise men and women in my life who show up for me everyday. Look forward to exploring more ".
Retreats numbers are limited. A deposit is required to hold your place and early bookings are recommended.
May: Open Breathwork Retreat: Family and Generational Healing
July 31 Breathwork Retreat - Deep Ecology (Bamarang Retreat Centre)
September 3 - 5 Open Breathwork Retreat: Awakening Shakti (Mittagong)
"The rebirthing retreat where we experienced warm water breath work and a recreation of our own birth into this world was transformational.. I experienced it as a sacred, sensory & spiritual awakening. Discovering where you come from and embodying the wisdom from your ancestors is an empowering journey.. For me it was was like a turning point in my life - it opened up areas of my life I had not addressed for years, it enabled me to recognise my gifts, see where I find joy in life and acknowledge the wise men and women in my life who show up for me everyday. Look forward to exploring more ".